How to use this course
Meet the course leader, Jess Kirton
Who this course is most useful for, and what we are going to cover
What this course does not cover and why
Use interoception to help your child 'check in'
How to do a body scan with your child
Using the muscles and joints to regain a sense of calm
Proprioception How to do it
Rocking and swinging movements to feel settled and calm
Introducing vestibular movement strategies
What is deep pressure, and why might it be helpful
Deep pressure, how to do it
For some children, gentle deep pressure can be added in to help
Oral Tactile sensory strategies to explore
How to introduce Oral Tactile strategies to calm and relax
Think carefully about auditory input
Auditory strategies
How to weave auditory input in to your calming and settling afterschool routine
Make small changes to the visual environment
Strategies to try with visual input
Using familiar smells and tastes to help your child feel secure and calm
How to use smells and tastes for afterschool meltdown management
Why do sensory strategies work?
What's the theory behind them?
What has been covered
Take home points
Resource: Planning and Recording
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